Non-Surgical Facial Treatments for Fine Lines


If we're lucky, we'll enjoy a long and happy life. This does mean that often, there’s no escaping the signs of ageing. For many of us, as soon as we begin to see wrinkles or fine lines around the face or corners of the eyes, it’s that tell-tale sign that we’re beginning to age. Sometimes, these early signs of ageing can cause us to feel self-conscious – especially if we begin to look older than we feel inside. 


Of course, there’s no way to reverse the ageing process, but if you’re looking to correct and minimise these first signs of ageing, there are a variety of facial rejuvenation treatments available to help you appear more youthful and feel more confident!


Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers are generally recommended to those who are concerned with moderate to severe wrinkles and fine lines. They are a minimally invasive procedure that have immediate effects, though they usually look their best after 48-72 hours once any bruising or minor swelling has subsided. 


Your dermal fillers will be administered by Mr Christopher Jones, our specialist in all aspects of surgical and non-surgical facial rejuvenation. These facial fillers are made of various kinds of natural and synthetic materials which can be injected into the skin to restore a youthful plumpness. They typically take around 30-40 minutes to administer and will usually require a local anaesthetic injection to the treated area before the filler is injected. We also use local block techniques to make the facial zone numb so that the experience can be entirely painless. 


Dermal fillers are most commonly used to replace the loss of volume in the face, though they can also be used to treat deep vertical lines around the mouth or the lines that extend between the mouth and nose. For fine lines and wrinkles, we use temporary dermal fillers made from hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance found in the spaces between the body tissues. The filler binds to body water to create a voluminous, smoothing effect. For more moderate to severe wrinkles, we can use a longer-acting filler made of crosslinked gelatinous hyaluronic acid or longer-acting semi-permanent products. 


Since dermal fillers are a non-surgical treatment, their effects will not be permanent as the body will eventually break down and absorb the filler over time. To keep the best results, you will require further treatments after your initial appointment or the fine lines will slowly begin to return. However, these are usually only required 12-24 months after the treatment, depending on the product used. If you choose not to have repeat treatment, then your treatment areas will slowly return to their previous appearance, though they will never look worse than before. 


Anti-Wrinkle Injections

Anti-wrinkle injections, commonly known as ‘Botox’ injections, are a very effective treatment to minimise signs of ageing and restore a younger, fresher look to the face. These injections are suitable for men and women of all ages, though they’re usually most effective in the 25 to 70 age group. They’re most commonly used to treat crow’s feet wrinkles at the corners of the eyes as well as horizontal lines on the forehead or vertical lines between the brow.


During treatment, our specialist, Mr Christopher Jones, will inject a minute quantity of Botulinum toxin into the muscles that cause wrinkling in these areas. The Botulinum works to temporarily prevent nerve signals from reaching the muscle, causing the muscle to relax and resulting in the wrinkles appearing smoother and less pronounced.


Treatment can take as little as 20 minutes and, like dermal fillers, has very little recovery time – you will be able to return to normal activity almost immediately. However, there is a chance of tenderness, mild redness, swelling or bruising following treatment, but these are usually very short term and will be gone within a couple of days.


Christopher Jones has carried out thousands of anti-wrinkle treatments in Manchester since 2009 and has an excellent track record in getting great results. Like dermal fillers, anti-wrinkle injections are a non-surgical treatment meaning their results will not be permanent. Typically, smoothing effects last for three to four months but can last up to six or seven months in many cases. However, as with dermal fillers, repeat treatment will be required or your muscles will begin to become active again, causing signs of wrinkles to reappear. 


Next steps

If this year has taught us anything, it’s that life is about seizing the moment, and being happy! If your skin’s natural ageing is preventing you from looking and feeling your best, then get in touch with us to find out more about our range of non-surgical facial rejuvenation treatments. 


We can get you booked in and treated as soon as possible so you can start looking the way you want, along with feeling fresh and revitalised – giving you the confidence you need to do the things you love. 


Complete the form below to book your preliminary consultation today! 

If you would like to learn more about this procedure or are interested in a consultation, fill out the form below or call us on 0161 523 8261