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3 tips to help you prepare for a face lift

Written by Carrie Henderson | 27-Feb-2019 15:26:00

So, you’ve made the decision to undergo a facelift procedure: congratulations, this is an exciting time for you!

While the hard work is now in the hands of your surgeon here at Manchester Plastic Surgery, there are a few things that you can do before your facelift procedure to make sure you are in good shape for a smooth recovery.

Getting ready

Having a facelift is such an exciting time and preparing well for your treatment will leave you feeling calm, collected and ready to enjoy the benefits; consider using these tips to help both your surgery and your recovery go smoothly.

  1. Enlist support

You’ll need a general anaesthetic if you’re having a facelift procedure, so expect to feel tired in the immediate aftermath of surgery.  When you’re ready to go home, you’re going to need some support. If possible, arrange for someone to drive you to and from hospital. Additionally, make sure that there is someone there to stay at home with you – you’ll need to get plenty of rest, so let someone else do the shopping, cooking and tidying for a few days.

  1. Look after your general health

Smoking can affect the healing process - try to quit or at least reduce the amount you smoke for the six weeks prior to surgery.  Eat a healthy balanced diet and drink plenty of water.  If you take medication, one of our surgeons will discuss the right approach with you.  Make the time for some exercise and relaxation.  Keep up a good skincare routine for your face and avoid sunburn. The better you feel before surgery, the more prepared your mind and body will be during recovery.

  1. Get organised

Think ahead about what will make you feel better in the immediate aftermath of surgery.  Small things count.  For example, it won’t be possible to wash your hair for a few days after surgery as you’ll not want to risk disturbing your stitches. It’s a good idea to wash your hair the night before you attend hospital – it’s a small thing, but so often makes a big difference to the way you feel after surgery.  

Also, when you’re packing your overnight bag, think about what you would like to wear while you’re in hospital and when you travel home.  Wash and iron your favourite comfortable clothes and pack your favourite slippers or bed socks.  Though you won’t be able to wear make-up, bring toiletries which make you feel good.  Choose some relaxing music or download some Podcasts you would like to listen to, or pack a book which you will be able to immerse yourself into.  It’s important you relax and take it easy when you’ve had your surgery.

Here for you

We will discuss preparation and recovery with you in detail at one of your pre-operative consultation appointments.  If you have any queries in the lead up to your surgery, you can get in touch with us at any time.