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5 things you should know about breast implant removal and replacement

Written by Manchester Plastic Surgery | 22-Jan-2020 10:54:18

As one of the leading practices for breast surgery in the North West, our team can help you decide if breast implant removal and replacement is right for you.  Here are 5 things you should think about when considering this type of surgery.


#1 – There are a myriad of reasons for opting for breast implant removal.

The decision to have your breast implants removed and replaced is entirely personal.  It may be that you have had the implants for 15 years or more and would like to replace them for peace of mind.  Or it may be that your body shape has changed, and you feel that new implants would suit you better.  


Occasionally, it’s necessary to seek breast implant removal and replacement on medical grounds as a result of what is known as capsular contractor.  This occurs when a very thin layer of scar tissue starts to thicken, causing firmness and distortion of the breast implant. 


#2 – We minimise additional scarring.

The procedure to remove and replace your implants will be similar to your original surgery and we will seek to use the original incision lines where possible to reduce additional scarring.  


#3 - You will need to stay in hospital overnight

Your breast implant and replacement surgery will take around two hours and you will be under general anaesthetic.  If you have any concerns about having anaesthetic or you know it makes you feel ill, please speak to us. Your overnight stay will be in your own private room at the state-of-the-art Spire Hospital Manchester and our fantastic staff will take good care of you.  


#4 –  You should carefully weigh up the benefits and the risks.

Whilst complications are rare, all surgery carries an element of risk.  We will discuss these in detail with you but the most common issue with breast surgery is infection.  Signs of infection include swelling, oozing from wounds, fever and the breast being particularly hot to the touch.  This can be treated with antibiotics though occasionally further surgery will be required.


When you’re having repeat surgery it is all too easy to take your recovery for granted second time around.  The best way to ensure a smooth recovery is to get plenty of rest. Your scars will heal more quickly if you take it easy in the immediate aftermath of surgery.


#5 – Our experienced surgeons will help you make the right decision.

Mr James Murphy is our lead surgeon for breast surgery.  Mr Murphy has more than 20 years of experience as a surgeon and has carried out hundreds of breast implant procedures.  If you are considering having your implants removed and replaced, a consultation appointment with Mr Murphy will enable you to find out more about the procedure and decide if it’s right for you.  Mr Murphy will talk you through what’s involved and will be able to give you a good indication of the results that can be expected based on your individual anatomy.


What to do next

If you are considering having breast implant and replacement surgery, take a look at our detailed guidance here:, or get in touch to book a consultation appointment with Mr Murphy.