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All You Need To Know: Eyelid Surgery Recovery

Written by Manchester Plastic Surgery | 15-Jul-2021 10:43:22

Here at MPS, we know that the prospect of any surgery can be intimidating. This is perhaps even more true when you are considering facial rejuvenation surgery: though the results can be life-changing for many, for obvious reasons, sometimes facial rejuvenation surgery can seem like a significant step to take. When it comes to the eyelid area, people often wish to create a youthful glow by lifting the eyelids if they are sagging or drooping. Of course, despite the fact that the procedure is a simple one and likely to have few or no complications, eyelid surgery can still sound like a daunting prospect . 


We understand that the face can be a sensitive area for many when it comes to considering rejuvenation, which is why we’ve put together this guide on all you need to know about eyelid surgery recovery. 


Eyelid Surgery (or Blepharoplasty): What Is It?

Simply put, eyelid surgery - or Blepharoplasty- is a treatment in which sagging or drooping eyelids can be corrected with a simple surgical procedure. Underlying fat, excess skin and muscle can be removed during the operation to correct the appearance of droopy eyelids, which can age the face prematurely. 

Eyelid Surgery Procedure:

During the procedure, either a local or general anaesthetic will be used depending whether you’re having either the lower lids operated on or both upper and lower eyelids. Oral or intravenous sedatives are used in conjunction with local anaesthetic, and though you may remain awake, you’ll feel relaxed and won’t feel any pain, just some manipulation of your face as you rest.


If both upper and lower lids are being operated on, the upper lids will be typically worked on first: incisions are made in your upper eyelid creases and just below the lower lashes, which can extend to the laughter lines or crows’ feet that many of us have at the outer corners of our eyes. The skin is subsequently lifted from the underlying fatty tissue and muscle, which can then be trimmed accordingly before closing the incision with very fine sutures. 

Our surgeons may recommend a transconjunctival blepharoplasty if appropriate. In this, procedure a miniscule incision is made inside the lower eyelid and any underlying fat is removed with fine forceps. No skin is removed, and the incision is closed with tiny dissolving sutures.


For more information on what a blepharoplasty can entail, please see our dedicated page on Eyelid Surgery here. 


Our Eyelid Surgery Recovery Process:

Following on from your eyelid surgery, your eyes will be gently lubricated with ointment, which will help the skin to recover. The anaesthesia will eventually fade, and though your eyelids may feel a little sore or tight as a result of the procedure, any discomfort will be easily controlled with pain relief, which will be prescribed by your surgeon. 


Our surgeons and aftercare team will instruct you to keep your head elevated for several days, in conjunction with using cold compresses to reduce pain, swelling and bruising. In advance of the surgery, our team may recommend you follow a five-day course of Arnica tablets and use eye drops which will help to minimise the after-effects. The aftercare team will also show you how to gently clean your eyelids following on from the surgery, to ensure that you are comfortable and your eyelids are kept clean to speed up your recovery. 


What To Expect In Eyelid Surgery Recovery

It is completely normal to expect that for a few weeks post-surgery, you might experience slight soreness, tightness, teary eyes, a light sensitivity and some temporary changes in your eyesight, like blurring. These should all subside within a few weeks, but your nurse will discuss this with you both post-surgery and at your follow-up appointment. 

Your surgical stitches will be removed after four days, and following their removal the discolouration and swelling around your eyes will gradually subside. Here at Manchester Plastic Surgery, every care is taken to ensure that your recovery will be smooth and uncomplicated. It’s important to make sure that you follow our professional medical advice carefully to ensure that your recovery from eyelid surgery proceeds as smoothly as possible. 


Eyelid Surgery With MPS: 

Here at Manchester Plastic Surgery, we believe that our patients are choosing the very best possible path by choosing our clinic for their eyelid surgery. Our talented expert surgeons have decades of experience in facial rejuvenation surgery, and will provide the very best of industry practice to ensure that you are satisfied with your end result.