It is a common misconception that breast implants need to replaced every 10 years. However, breast implant longevity ultimately depends on individual circumstances.
The reality of breast implants is that following your initial procedure, you may require one or two follow-up surgeries in your lifetime. This isn’t always the case, however it’s best not to be caught out. You should always be aware of the possibility that you may experience a complication or dissatisfaction with your implants in the future, meaning a breast implant replacement procedure may be required. So far as the “average lifespan” of implants, there are absolutely no guarantees. Some breast implants will last a whole lifetime, while others have complications within seven years and will entail a breast implant removal and replacement. On average, the majority of implants last 10-20 years without any complications.
More often than not, lifestyle factors such as ageing, pregnancy, breastfeeding and changes in body weight can contribute to altering the shape, appearance and position of breast implants.
It is well known that a woman’s breast size and shape will vary throughout the different stages of her life and these natural time-related changes such as breast-sagging and size changes due to hormonal fluctuations will have an impact, causing the position of implants to alter and in some cases visible rippling which can lead to women wanting a breast implant replacement.
Although it is uncommon, there is a chance that breast implants can rupture or leak, meaning you may decide to have a breast implant replacement. Rupturing of silicone implants can occur as your body naturally forms internal scarring (known as capsule) surrounding the implant. Remember that the implant is a foreign body inside the breast and the body reacts to this in ways that may seem strange to us. If the capsule contains muscle and it contracts, this can cause the implant to rupture, deforming your breast shape. During the breast implant removal surgical procedure, surgeons are able to undertake a capsulectomy which involves the removal of this internal scarring.
The outer-lining of saline and silicone implants naturally weakens with age, for this reason implant warranties usually cover you for up to 10 years. Modern breast implants are specifically designed so as not to require immediate action when they rupture or leak however it’s a good idea to consider breast implant replacement if this occurs. Furthermore, the shape of the implant will appear deflated and differ greatly in appearance from the other breast so this may need to be corrected through a breast implant replacement. In the instance that you feel discomfort from your breast implants or they perhaps feel firmer than usual, it is advisable to contact your surgeon to thave the implants checked. In certain cases, you may need an MRI scan or ultrasound to confirm that there is a problem with your breast implant.
Depending on the specifics of procedure you are having, a breast implant replacement should take between 1-2 hours to complete and is carried out under general anaesthetic, you will have to stay overnight. The incision is ideally made in the exact location as the incision for your initial breast enlargement, aiming to avoid creating more scars. After the old implants have been removed, new ones can be inserted during the same procedure. The wounds will then be stitched and dressed and you will be given the necessary post-surgery care instructions which will include practical information relating to showering or replacing dressings for example.