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Can Implants Correct Tubular Breasts?

Written by Manchester Plastic Surgery | 08-Apr-2024 17:47:55

Tubular breasts are those which lack rounding.  They may appear elongated and lacking in volume, and point downwards, sometimes giving the impression of a sagging or flat-chested outline, even in younger women.  Whilst the problem can often be addressed with well-fitting underwear, many women remain self-conscious of their tubular breasts when undressed or in swimwear.  Breast augmentation offers a permanent solution.

With breast augmentation, you can change both the shape of your breasts and the size.  If you’re happy with the size (as is often the case with women with tubular breasts), you can change just the shape, the right approach will depend on your physiology and the vision you have for your results.  

We are one of only a few practices to be approved to use Motiva™ breast implants. These are the next-generation of implants which vary in softness, fullness and some are designed to mimic the movement of natural breast tissue. With Motiva®, you can choose the implants that are perfectly suited to you, helping you to look and feel your best.  Our aim is to leave you with an enhanced shape which looks and feels like a natural part of your body. 

What does tubular breast surgery involve?

The surgery to address tubular breasts is the same as any other breast augmentation treatment.  It involves making an incision in the crease where the breast meets the chest, though occasionally the cut is made around the nipple. Breast tissue and skin is lifted to create a pocket for each implant, either directly behind the breast tissue or underneath your chest wall (pectoral) muscle.  

The surgery usually takes one to two hours to complete and you should be aware you will have permanent scars, usually in the groove below the breasts, although these will fade with time and can be hidden by clothing.

After surgery, you will need to stay overnight in hospital where our team can take good care of you and ensure your recovery gets off to a good start.  After that, you’ll need to take it easy for at least a fortnight, taking time off work and enlisting the support of family and friends with household tasks, avoiding lifting and wearing light, loose clothing which doesn’t interfere with your scars. 

You’ll need to attend your follow-up appointments to help keep your recovery on track and whilst everyone recovers at a different pace you can expect to return to work and most everyday activities after a couple of weeks.  You’ll need to continue to take care whilst your scars fully heal, of course, so anything that could put a strain on your scars, such as sports and anything that involves heavy lifting, will need to be avoided for a while.

Most patients find that the relative inconvenience of surgery and recovery is a small price to pay for the long-lasting results they get from breast implants.  The shape of your breasts makes a difference to your self-esteem and confidence, linked to feelings of femininity and attractiveness. 

Our aim is to guide you and support you every step of the way, so your surgery is a life-enhancing experience and you can go on to live life to the fullest, looking and feeling your best.