Can you have a Face Lift without Surgery?


To roll back the years and reduce the signs of ageing, a face lift is an obvious consideration. However, going under the knife isn’t the only option if you want to maintain a youthful appearance. It is possible to have a treatment that gives the impression of a face lift without the need for surgery. 

Treatments such as anti-wrinkle injections and dermal fillers are growing increasingly popular as a way to provide results similar to a face lift without the requirement for surgery. Botox and dermal fillers are an ideal procedure for those who want to retain a youthful complexion and appearance. Furthermore, dermal fillers and anti-wrinkle injections can continue to give excellent results right through to your 70s or until you feel that face lift surgery is the right option for you and your appearance.

What is non surgical facial  rejuvenation?

Some of the effects of a face lift without surgery can be achieved using anti-wrinkle and dermal fillers.  These are incredibly effective at reducing the appearance of wrinkles and giving skin a plump, fresh and youthful appearance.

What are anti-wrinkle injections?

Anti-wrinkle injections work by injecting facial muscles with a product called Botulinum toxin. This natural product then helps to relax the muscles, which then makes wrinkles and lines such as frown lines and crow’s feet much less noticeable. Treatment can be delivered within 15 minutes, and you continue with life as normal after treatment. The results typically last for four to six months, though this varies from patient to patient, and further treatments can be administered to maintain the more youthful appearance.

Our Guide to Botox and Dermal Fillers FREE DOWNLOAD

What are dermal fillers? 

While anti-wrinkle injections helps to minimise the appearance of lines and wrinkles, dermal fillers work to restore the youthful volume in our faces. The lost volume, typically in the cheeks, under the eyes and around the lips and mouth can cause shadows, while dermal fillers can help to fill out these spaces to restore light reflection giving an appearance of youthful energy and vibrancy. 

The effects of dermal filler treatment typically lasts six to 36 months though some patients have longer-lasting effects. During treatment, you will receive a number of small injections into the face. You may be given a dental type of anaesthetic, and the treatment will take around 40 minutes to complete.

The benefits of non surgical facial rejuvenation

Anti-wrinkle and dermal fillers are the ideal choices for those who want to maintain a youthful appearance but perhaps aren’t ready or won’t see the full effects of a surgical face lift yet. Furthermore, you can continue to have regular treatments to maintain a youthful appearance or stop treatments whenever you want to. You can also combine anti-wrinkle and dermal filler treatment to deliver results which can mimic a face lift in younger patients.  

Anti-wrinkle and dermal fillers can significantly improve your appearance yet help you to continue to look natural. Furthermore, treatment is not painful and takes only a few minutes. After treatment, we will provide you with appropriate aftercare advice though you can return to normal life shortly after your appointment.

To ensure you get the best results for your face lift without surgery, it’s important to go to a qualified and experienced practitioner like our specialist Adam Goodwin. You can book an initial consultation with Mr Goodwin to find out more and to get an understanding of the results he’s likely to be able to achieve for you.


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If you would like to learn more about this procedure or are interested in a consultation, fill out the form below or call us on 0161 523 8261