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Does rhinoplasty leave scarring?

Written by Manchester Plastic Surgery | 18-Jan-2022 10:15:00

When you’re concerned about the size or shape of your nose, a rhinoplasty can have a truly transformational impact on your life, giving you the confidence boost to take photos with loved ones or speak up in large crowds without fear of others staring at you. After all, the nose is such a prominent feature at the centre of the face, that if you’re uneasy about its appearance the discontent can spread through all areas of your life.

However, for many individuals considering rhinoplasty, the concern can be that they’re swapping their insecurities surrounding the size and shape of their nose for new issues with scarring or unnatural results.

Having carried out hundreds of rhinoplasties, we often get asked: “Does rhinoplasty leave scarring?” We always do our best to make incisions small and well-hidden as we know that scarring can be a huge concern. We also provide advice to all our patients post-treatment on steps they can take to minimise scarring and ensure they heal properly. However, if post-treatment you’re concerned about how your scars are healing, there are also some top tips you can follow to minimise the appearance of scars.

Rhinoplasty incisions

Depending on the complexity of your case and your desired results, rhinoplasty can often be carried out from within the nose in what’s known as “closed” rhinoplasty. If this is the case, we will make small incisions on the inside of your nostrils that will be well hidden and cannot be seen.

However, in more complex cases or if you require your nostrils to be moved, we may also need to make a small incision at the base of the nose or in the creases of the nostrils. In these cases, you will have minimal scars which often heal on their own over time, becoming almost invisible.

Nevertheless, there are certain steps you can take to help your skin heal properly and reduce the appearance of scarring as much as possible.

How to help your skin heal

Firstly, it’s important to note that everyone’s skin heals differently, and the rate of your healing will often be affected by the age and condition of your skin, though even younger patients can expect some scarring.

Although scars can never be avoided completely, they can be minimised by following the steps below:

  • Rest
Following your rhinoplasty treatment, you must get plenty of rest to ensure your body can recover properly. You’ll be given specific recovery instructions before you leave the hospital, though the general advice is to ensure you have someone there to pick you up from the hospital and take care of you for a few days post-treatment. You should avoid all strenuous activity and get plenty of sleep following treatment to allow your body to heal.

  • Avoid blowing your nose
Your nose will be very tender and sensitive post-treatment and a little bit of bleeding is common during the first few days. However, it’s best to try to not blow your nose for a week or so while the tissues heal, and be very careful about bumping or rubbing your nose. You’ll also need to be very careful with washing your face or hair and when using cosmetics, as you don’t want to cause any irritation that may interfere with the healing process.

  • SPF
It’s important to always protect your skin but one piece of advice to minimise scarring and protect your skin (especially post-treatment) is to make sure you’re wearing SPF and avoid causing unnecessary skin damage.

  • Hydrate & eat well
Drinking plenty of water and eating a balanced diet is key in any recovery process, but will especially help with healing by ensuring your skin receives the hydration and vitamins it needs.

  • Avoid touching your scars
Don’t be tempted to touch your scars even if they’re itchy (a normal sign of healing). Touching your scars could disrupt the natural healing process and even cause infection in the early days before the incisions are fully healed. We advise letting your body heal on its own by avoiding touching your scars as much as possible.

  • Follow guidance

Our final piece of advice is to ensure you’re following the specific guidance given to you by your surgeon and the aftercare team post-treatment. They will prescribe the necessary medication, creams (where applicable), and advise on appropriate vitamins to take to ensure you’re healing properly. Having carried out hundreds of rhinoplasties a year, trusting our advice is one of the main ways you can ensure your healing journey is smooth and you achieve your desired results with minimal scarring.

Begin your rhinoplasty journey

Your consultation is the perfect time to ask our rhinoplasty specialist, Mr James Murphy, any questions you may have about rhinoplasty, whether that’s to do with the treatment itself, the results, the risks, or the scarring. We’re here to answer all your questions to help give you peace of mind that this is the right decision for you and you’re in safe hands.

Book your consultation using the form below to take the first steps on your rhinoplasty journey.