How to maintain your facelift results

A facelift is a popular cosmetic procedure and can be highly effective in helping to reverse the signs of ageing and restoring a more youthful appearance.  

It’s a long-lasting solution and you can prolong the results by being proactive and adopting a comprehensive approach to skincare and healthy habits.  Here we review helpful tips and techniques to help you preserve your results so you feel at your best for years to come.

What factors affect the longevity of a facelift?
The longevity of facelift results can vary depending on your age, skin quality and lifestyle habits.  While a facelift does provide long-lasting results, significantly reducing the visible signs of ageing such as sagging skin, deep wrinkles and jowls, it’s important to be aware that the natural ageing process continues after the surgery.  Expect some degree of loosening and sagging to gradually reappear over time but do adopt the good practices outlined here to help prolong your results.

1.    Follow post-operative instructions
After your facelift surgery, your surgeon will provide specific post-operative instructions.  It is crucial to follow these guidelines diligently to ensure optimal healing and long-lasting results.  These instructions will cover proper wound care, restrictions on physical activities, avoiding direct sunlight, and medication management.  By adhering to these instructions, you minimise the risk of complications and allow your skin to heal naturally.  You should also attend the follow-up appointments you are offered, we will want to monitor your results post-surgery.

2.    Develop a consistent skincare routine
A good skincare routine is essential for maintaining your facelift results.  Hopefully, you have good habits to continue but in summary, you should keep your skin clean with a gentle cleanser to remove dirt and use a moisturiser suited to your skin type to maintain hydration. Incorporate sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher into your daily routine to protect your skin from harmful UV rays.  

3.    Hydrate and nourish your skin
Proper hydration is crucial for maintaining the elasticity and suppleness of your skin. Drink plenty of water each day to keep your skin hydrated from within.  A healthy balanced diet is also important – your skin is a good indicator of your healthy eating habits.  Of course, avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption as these can dehydrate your skin and accelerate signs of ageing.

4.    Protect your skin from the sun
Exposure to the sun’s harmful UV rays can undo the benefits of your facelift and lead to premature ageing.  Always wear a hat and sunglasses and apply sunscreen with a high SPF to the exposed area of your face and neck.  Reapply every couple of hours and seek shade during peak sun hours.  When choosing make-up, opt for brands which contain sunscreen.

5.    Consider additional treatments
If you can afford it, treat yourself to professional facials once in a while to give your skin extra care and attention.  It’s good for your skin and it’s good for you to have some quality time to yourself where you can rest and relax.  Be calm and reduce those furrowed brows!

In summary…
Maintaining the results of your facelift requires consistent efforts and healthy habits.  By following post-operative instructions, adopting a proper skincare routine, nourishing your skin inside and out and protecting it from the sun, you can preserve your more youthful appearance and enjoy the benefits of your facelift for the long-term.  

Bear in mind that some people may require touch-up procedures or additional treatments such as dermal fillers to maintain the best possible results.  When you attend for your initial consultation we’ll be able to assess your skin and give you a good idea of what to expect from your results.  This will help you to make an informed decision about whether facelift surgery is right for you.

If you would like to learn more about this procedure or are interested in a consultation, fill out the form below or call us on 0161 523 8261