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Is Gynecomastia Surgery Safe?

Written by Manchester Plastic Surgery | 12-Aug-2021 09:50:49

If you’re considering any form of surgical treatment, it’s understandable you will have lots of questions. You may have concerns about the treatment itself, levels of pain, going under anaesthetic, and the risks and safety of the treatment.


At Manchester Plastic Surgery we understand the impact your appearance can have on your confidence. More than what you look like, the way you see your body can impact the way you feel and even restrict what you’re willing to do. But it’s a big decision to put your body through surgical treatment for aesthetic purposes. We aim to make all our patients feel comfortable with their decision, secure in the knowledge that you’re in the safe hands of our qualified surgeons.


Who is male breast reduction surgery for?

Roughly 40-60% of men are affected by oversized breasts, a condition that is known as gynecomastia and is caused by a combination of excess glandular and fatty tissue in one or both of the breasts. Typically, gynecomastia begins during the early teens and can be related to hormone production. Other causes can include consuming cannabis, bodybuilding steroids, and extreme weight gain. 


Male breast reduction surgery is a relatively straightforward treatment that leaves the chest flatter, firmer, and better contoured, enabling you to live your life with confidence. It is suitable for men of any age and is particularly common for those who exercise regularly, as this can enhance signs of growth in the chest.


What’s involved in male breast reduction surgery?

Male breast reduction may involve liposuction, gland excision, reduction mammoplasty, or a combination of these surgical techniques. Occasionally, it may be necessary to remove excess skin if a lot of tissue is removed.

Depending on the severity of your gynecomastia, male breast reduction surgery can be performed under local anaesthetic, though in most instances it requires a general anaesthetic. We understand that for many patients, the idea of going under anaesthetic can be off-putting. We’ve worked with our specialist anaesthetists for over 10 years and they make up an integral part of our team, helping to ease your anxiety surrounding this part of the treatment.


During the treatment, we will make a small incision following the curve of the nipple where we will perform liposuction to remove the fatty tissue. If appropriate, we will perform liposuction using our BodyJet liposuction system which allows for a quicker recovery and less scarring. 


Depending on your case, we may also use the tumescent liposuction technique in which we inject large quantities of fluid into fatty areas before performing liposuction. The volume of fluid causes the sections of fat to become tumescent, swollen or firm so that the liposuction cannula can travel easily beneath the skin, producing a smoother result and giving greater control over the quantity of tissue removed. This fluid contains a local anaesthetic to alleviate pain post-treatment as well as adrenaline, which constricts the blood vessels to minimise bruising. 


It may also be necessary to make a small incision beneath the nipple, following the natural curve, to surgically remove the glandular component.


Is gynecomastia safe?

As with any surgical treatment, there are risks involved with gynecomastia, though these are minimised when your treatment is carried out by an experienced professional. In your consultation, our surgeons will advise you on the risks and help put your mind at ease by providing honest answers to any questions you may have.

Although male breast reduction surgery is a relatively safe procedure, possible complications include bleeding, infection, or reaction to anaesthesia. However, all of these can be reduced by closely following advice from our experts both in the lead up to your treatment and in the weeks that follow.


You can also expect to have some scarring dependent on the technique we use. However, this is typically minimal and hidden within the natural line of your nipple. Patients of male breast reduction surgery will typically see scars begin to fade from two weeks to six months post-treatment until they are barely noticeable. 


Is male breast reduction right for you?

For more detailed advice about your specific case and if male breast reduction is right for you, please book a free consultation by completing the form below. In your consultation, our expert surgeon, Mr James Murphy, will give you his honest advice on the results you can expect and explore the risks with you in more detail to help put your mind at ease that you will be in safe hands for your gynecomastia.