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Recovering from neck cosmetic surgery

Written by Manchester Plastic Surgery | 19-Oct-2022 14:30:11

Loose, sagging skin around the neck and jawline can have an ageing effect so we often look to improve this area as a standalone treatment or as part of a facelift, brow lift or eye lift procedure.

Neck lift surgery generally takes two to three hours and can often be performed under local anaesthetic, though a general anaesthetic is always an option if you prefer. The techniques we use will depend on the appearance of your neck and the results you would like to achieve.

If the problem is caused by excess deposits of fat in the neck, it may be possible to remove this through liposuction. Neck liposuction involves the insertion of a hollow tube, called a cannula, into the neck through which fatty deposits are withdrawn. If you need more extensive treatment, however, we will remove skin and fat from your neck and tighten and restructure the underlying muscles.

Both approaches involve extremely small incisions behind the ears and under the chin. Your scars will be permanent, though they will fade with time. If you choose to undergo our neck lift surgery then we will do everything within our power to make the scarring as discreet as possible.

The recovery process
Recovering from neck cosmetic surgery varies from person to person and depends on factors such as their general health, the extent of their treatment and the condition of their skin. For most people, there is bruising and swelling in the initial aftermath of surgery, and a little discomfort which we can manage with painkillers, but this usually settles down within a few days.

After around 10 days, most people report feeling almost back to normal, though of course it’s still important to take care of yourself and not go back to usual activities too quickly. As a guide, you should expect for it to take up to a month to feel like the skin and swelling has settled and to feel confident in using the full range of movement in your head and neck without hesitation.

The key, as with all cosmetic surgery procedures, is to take your time. Even if your neck and jaw feel more comfortable than you expect after surgery, the more you can take it easy after your surgery, the faster your recovery will be.

We always advise patients to prepare for their recovery, which means enlisting the support of family and friends to do things like housework, shopping, cooking, cleaning and childcare.

If you work, you should prepare to take at least one week off and be prepared to extend this to two if necessary. Hopefully, now we’re all used to Zoom meetings, this should be easier than it perhaps would have been a few years ago!

Leisure activities like sports will need to be restricted until you’ve had your post-operative check-ups – you’re encouraged to exercise but with low-strain movements – walking is ideal.

In summary, for most people the recovery process if very straight-forward and trouble-free. Plan ahead, be prepared to take it easy and take the tailored guidance offered to you by your surgeon.