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How Can Surgery Help After Weight Loss?

Written by Manchester Plastic Surgery | 27-Jul-2020 12:18:00


Losing weight for the long-term isn’t easy. We regularly see patients who have achieved life-changing levels of weight loss and help them achieve even greater self-confidence by removing their loose, sagging skin. This type of surgery is the ‘icing on the cake’ of their new identity and can have a truly transformative effect.


Fortunately, there are a variety of surgeries which can help after weight loss to remove excess skin and improve the appearance of muscle tone and tightness. Many of these surgeries can be combined to target a number of different areas at the same time. Whether you’re concerned with your arms, buttocks, stomach, or thighs, we can help you be proud to show off your new body.


Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck)

Abdomen shape can cause difficulty for many people when choosing which clothes, especially swimwear. Whether you have worked hard to lose a significant amount of weight, you have been left with stretch marks following pregnancy, or you’re generally unhappy with loose skin around your abdomen, an abdominoplasty can help you to fight your insecurities by achieving a flatter stomach and a narrower waistline.


This type of weight loss surgery is performed by one of our consultant plastic surgeons. Suitable for both men and women, an abdominoplasty usually takes two to three hours under general anaesthetic, and at least a one-night stay at our state-of-the-art facility, The Pines Hospital Manchester.


Here at Manchester Plastic Surgery, we offer both a full abdominoplasty and a partial abdominoplasty (known as a mini tummy tuck). Both surgeries involve incisions being made between the hip bones and near the naval, for excess skin to be removed, resulting in a flat, toned stomach.

Recovery following this procedure usually takes two weeks for the initial healing period and can be between two and six months for scar improvements, taking up to two years for the scar to fade to a barely-there white. However, patients are usually sufficiently recovered and enjoying normal activities within three months.

Buttock Lift

Another area that can be severely impacted through weight loss is the shape of the buttocks, which can lose definition and begin to sag. This can cause insecurities when looking for clothes and have an impact on your overall self-confidence. A buttock lift (link to buttock lift page once uploaded to site) is one type of weight loss surgery that can improve these areas of concern.


In a buttock lift surgery, an incision is created along the underwear line, and excess skin which has sagged below the buttock is carefully lifted and removed. This operation will usually take two-to-three-hours under general anaesthetic and will require a two-night stay in one of our private suites, where you will receive the ultimate standard of aftercare. Following your stay with us, recovery from a buttock lift usually takes between two-to-six weeks, and our expert surgeons will review your progress at one week, four weeks, three months, and six months post-surgery to ensure you’re 100% satisfied with your result.


As with any of the weight loss surgeries listed, a buttock lift is often combined with other forms of weight loss surgery to achieve your dream figure following weight loss – the results achieved can be exceptional, and feeling comfortable in a bikini is a commonly-achievable goal.


Thigh Lift (thighplasty)

As with the buttocks, thighs are often a problem area for those who have undergone extreme weight loss. The skin around the thighs can significantly lose its elasticity, causing sagging and hanging skin that can have a huge impact on self-confidence. At Manchester Plastic Surgery, we offer a thigh lift surgery (link to pillar content once uploaded), which can be combined with a buttock lift or other forms of weight loss surgery (such as liposuction) to achieve your dream results.


We offer several different types of thigh lift to address every area of the thigh. Whether you’re focused on your inner thighs, the backs of your thighs, or the outer areas, at your consultation, one of our expert surgeons will have an honest discussion with you about the areas that you are keen to address and the achievable results. This will help you decide which combination of thighplasties would be the perfect solution for you.


A thigh lift surgery is always performed under general anaesthetic and usually requires an overnight stay in our private hospital, The Pines Manchester. Our aftercare team will look after you throughout your stay, and you will receive detailed instructions on the recovery process and how to care for your scarring.


Arm Lift

The arms are another common area where skin can be stubborn following weight loss, causing people to feel uncomfortable in sleeveless clothing and affecting body confidence. While a number of non-surgical procedures can be suggested to counteract the appearance of ‘bingo wings’, the only truly effective treatment to remove this excess skin is arm lift surgery which can achieve thrilling results, allowing you to return to wearing summer clothes with confidence.


During an arm lift surgery, an incision is made beneath the armpit, extending down the arm as necessary – in very rare cases the incision will extend to the elbow, but it often stops at a midway point. While scarring can be a concern, scars usually begin to fade within the first three months and will reach their maximal healing two years post-surgery. As with all surgeries we offer, we’ll take great care of you throughout the healing process and can combine your procedure with scar treatments to speed up healing as much as possible.


If you have multiple areas that you would like to address, we can work together to carefully plan your surgical journey to combine techniques and operations into as few surgical episodes as possible so that you can achieve your dream figure. If you would like to know any more about the weight loss surgeries described above, please do not hesitate to contact us to arrange an initial consultation.