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The Benefits of Brow Lift Surgery - More Than Just Anti-Ageing

Written by Manchester Plastic Surgery | 15-Nov-2022 09:12:32

When you’re in a good mood, there’s nothing more dispiriting than the comment ‘what’s wrong with you?’ Lines and loose skin around the brow area can have an ageing effect on the face, making you look angry or unhappy, even when you feel good.

As well as impacting your self-esteem, drooping brows can affect vision in the most extreme cases, with loose skin overshadowing your area of sight. For some patients, it’s a quality of life issue, as well as aesthetic.

Brow lift surgery is a permanent solution to the problem of drooping brows and frown lines. It’s a relatively simple procedure which can rejuvenate the face, make you look more youthful and help to increase your overall self-esteem.

The treatment involves lifting the area directly above the eye to tighten any loose skin and remove excess fatty tissue, ultimately making the face look younger.

A brow lift usually takes about two hours and involves an incision in both temples and two small incisions vertically on top of the scalp, just behind the hairline. An endoscope is then inserted to free the muscles. It is then possible to lift the forehead tissues and weaken the muscle to reduce the frown lines and prevent the muscles from pulling the brows downward.

You’ll need a general anaesthetic and although some patients can be discharged on the same day, it’s more usual to have an overnight stay. If you need to stay, you will be well cared for in a comfortable private suite at the Manchester Spire Hospital where our dedicated team will ensure you get a good night’s rest and you’re ready to go home the following day.

To aid your recovery you’ll be advised to get plenty of rest and avoid any strenuous activity for at least a week and vigorous exercise for around six weeks. You should also sleep with an extra pillow to keep the head slightly elevated until the swelling has reduced.

You should expect to be swollen and a little bruised in the immediate aftermath of surgery, and your forehead may feel numb and immobile for a short time. The puffiness may take a few weeks to disappear completely but you should start to see the effects of your procedure within two to four weeks.

If you would like to explore having plastic surgery the first step is to book an initial consultation with one of our experienced surgeons.

They will be able to assess your forehead and advise whether a traditional brow lift procedure is the right route. The alternative is an endoscopic facelift, more common for younger patients, which can be another effective method to tighten and shape the underlying facial muscles and tissues.

Your surgeon will discuss the best approach during the consultation, helping you make an informed decision about whether surgery is right for you.