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Thinking about abdominoplasty? What happens at your initial consultation

Written by claire | 11-May-2017 11:03:43

A flabby, out-of-shape tummy can be hard to shift, especially if you’ve had children. The so-called ‘mum tum’ is a problem for lots of women, with many finding it difficult to solve through diet and exercise alone.

Abdominoplasty, also known as a tummy tuck, is one solution to this problem. In recent years we’ve built a firm reputation for excellence in this area of cosmetic surgery, and in March we were named as ‘best for tummies’ in the prestigious Tatler Guide to Cosmetic Surgery.

In this article, we explain what’s involved in an abdominoplasty procedure and tell you more about how to prepare for your initial consultation so that you get the information you need to make the choice that’s right for you.

What is abdominoplasty?

Abdominoplasty is an effective procedure to help get rid of stubborn fat around your tummy area. The procedure involves removing fat and loose skin from the abdomen area before improving your contour by tightening the abdominal wall.

You can opt for a partial abdominoplasty (mini tummy tuck) or a full abdominoplasty, the right choice will depend on your anatomy and the extent of the results you wish to achieve. Both procedures are considered to be major surgery and will result in permeant scars, so you need to think carefully before you decide to go ahead.

A full abdominoplasty procedure will take two to three hours and involves two incisions - one just above the pubic area between the hip bones and another to free the navel from surrounding tissue.
The skin is then separated from the abdominal wall up to your ribs to reveal the vertical muscles in your abdomen which can then be tightened by pulling them closer together and securing in their new position with stitches.

The skin is then replaced over the abdominal wall and any excess is removed. A new hole is cut for your navel and then the skin is stitched in place. Dressings are applied and a tube is used to drain excess fluid from beneath the skin.

During a partial abdominoplasty, the incision between your hips is much shorter and the skin is separated only between the incision line and the navel which may or may not be moved. This procedure usually takes one to two hours.

Preparing for your initial consultation

Our initial consultation experience is designed to explore whether abdominoplasty is right for you, and find out whether this procedure can give you the results you’re after.

We often invite female patients to ask their husbands or partners to join them at this appointment as some women are so unhappy with the appearance of their tummies that they won’t let their partners touch their stomach area. Surgeon James Murphy says;

“Men often struggle with the idea of why women want to have this surgery, but this helps them to understand.”

During the initial consultation we will tell you more about what tummy tuck surgery involves and we will assess your body to understand what difference this procedure can make. We can also provide 3D plastic surgery imaging to help you visualise the results that can be achieved to help you feel confident about whether plastic surgery is right for you.

What to do next

Find out more about abdominoplasty here or get in touch on 0800 015 0625 to book your initial consultation appointment.