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Three Things You Need to Know About a Nose Job (Rhinoplasty)

Written by Manchester Plastic Surgery | 12-Aug-2021 09:54:20

As the world begins to reopen following a tough year, you’ll likely be excited to get back out to start socialising with friends and family. But there may be something holding you back. While for some, the appearance of their nose causes insurmountable insecurity and self-consciousness, others may have medical reasons for considering a rhinoplasty – perhaps you’ve suffered an injury or are having breathing difficulties. 

Whatever your concerns, these shouldn’t stop you from enjoying life to the fullest. A nose job (also known as rhinoplasty surgery) can transform the size and shape of your nose and relieve breathing difficulties to give you the confidence boost you need.

Before booking your rhinoplasty surgery, you’ll undoubtedly be conducting thorough research into a variety of surgeons and practices. In this article, we provide you with details of the top 3 things you need to know about a nose job before booking your consultation. 


The Rhinoplasty Treatment Process

Rhinoplasty is one of the most common plastic surgery treatments in the UK since it can be used to correct a host of insecurities including the nostril shape and size, humps or curves in the nose, a misshaped septum, or even a dislike of the angle between your nose and upper lip. Depending on your concern, the nature of the treatment will vary slightly, though there are some general treatment guidelines. 


  • Nose job surgery is always carried out under general anaesthetic and will usually take around two hours to complete, though more complex operations may take longer. 


  • Where possible, we try to perform rhinoplasty surgery from within the nose, though depending on your desired results, an “open” treatment may be appropriate. At your initial consultation, our expert rhinoplasty surgeon, Mr James Murphy, will assess your individual case to determine which approach will work best to give you your dream nose. 


  • During the treatment, incisions will be made inside the nostrils and at the base of the nose to provide access to the cartilage and bone, which can then be carefully sculpted into shape. If you’re concerned with a hump or hook in your nose, a chisel will be used to remove sections of the bone before the nasal bones are brought together to form a narrower bridge. We then carefully reshape the cartilage at the tip of your nose to give you a more defined and delicate appearance. If your treatment requires the narrowing of flared nostrils, we will carefully remove small sections of skin to create the desired effect. 


  • Following your treatment, a splint will be applied to your nose to help maintain its new shape. You will require an overnight stay at one of our private suites in Spire Manchester Hospital where you will be cared for by our experienced aftercare team. 


Rhinoplasty Preparation and Recovery

Like any surgery, you will need to carefully prepare for your nose job (rhinoplasty). Once you book your treatment, we will give you specific instructions to help you. These will be based on your desired results as well as factors such as the thickness of your skin, prior nasal surgeries, smoking habits, and any medication you may be on. 


Generally, we advise rhinoplasty patients to take Arnica tablets for a few days before treatment to reduce bruising. We also recommend that you have your home clean and tidy and prepare a dedicated space for your recovery; as this will remove temptation to do any housework when you return, ensuring you get plenty of rest. 


In the first few days post-treatment, you will likely experience some discomfort, though we will prescribe the necessary pain relief to help ease your pain. You may also see some swelling in the face and bruising around the eyes while some patients experience a little bleeding following treatment. It is common to have soreness in your nose and/or a dull headache, though applying ice packs or cold compresses will help.


You should arrange for someone to collect you from the hospital the day after your treatment. We also advise setting aside 5-7 days to rest and recover and making arrangements for someone to support you with daily activities for these few days. You’ll need to be particularly gentle when washing your face, hair, or using cosmetics since your nose will still be tender for a few weeks post-treatment. After around two weeks, you should be able to return to work, provided your job is not physically strenuous and we will give you specific instructions regarding your return to exercise and other physical activity. 


One to two weeks post-treatment we will arrange a follow-up appointment for you to return to remove your cast as well as any splints or stitches. We will arrange follow-up appointments at necessary intervals post-treatment to ensure you’re healing correctly and you’re satisfied with your results.


The Risks of Rhinoplasty

When planning for your treatment, you must understand the risks associated with rhinoplasty surgery before you go ahead. Some possible complications include infection, nosebleed, or a reaction to the anaesthesia, though these types of complications are generally very uncommon and the possibility of risks occurring is minimised when you choose to have your treatment with an experienced, well-qualified surgeon such as Mr James Murphy.


In terms of scarring, we try to perform treatment from inside the nose where possible, meaning there will be no visible scarring. However, where we perform an “open” treatment, or where you require the narrowing of nostrils, there will be small scars at the base of your nose or along the curve of your nostril, though these will fade with time and there are ways to stimulate scar reduction.


MPS - By Your Side

Considering any surgery is a big decision that cannot be taken lightly, so you must conduct thorough research to make an informed decision and feel confident when you go into treatment that you’re in safe hands. 

At your initial consultation, we will explain everything you need to know about rhinoplasty and discuss which approach would be best for you based on your specific circumstances. This is also a great opportunity for you to voice any fears or concerns and ask questions, so you go into treatment with complete peace of mind. 


You can book your initial consultation with our rhinoplasty specialist by completing the form below.