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Tips on Being Well for Surgery

Written by Manchester Plastic Surgery | 20-Aug-2020 09:00:00


If you’re considering having plastic surgery in the near future, now is a good time to review your lifestyle and make any adjustments so you are as healthy as possible beforehand. General good health means you’ll be in good shape for your treatment, and more likely to enjoy a smooth recovery afterwards.

At your consultation, our surgeons will provide you with advice about your pre-operative preparations, recovery, and aftercare specific to your surgery. However, there are general steps you can take to prepare your body and improve your wellbeing - no matter which type of surgery you’re interested in or how far away it may be.


Exercise Regularly

The first step we encourage everyone to take before surgery is to exercise regularly and to be generally active. Whatever physical activity you enjoy – walking, jogging, cycling – will all help to build strength and cardio fitness, as well as keep stress at bay.


Eat A Balanced Diet

Taking care of your body by controlling your diet is also important, giving your body the nutrients it needs to stay healthy and giving your immune system has a head-start for a speedy recovery.

Eat a balanced diet with plenty of vitamins and minerals in the lead-up to your procedure. Vitamins A and C are great for wound healing and building the immune system, reducing the chances of infection.

It’s also advisable to reduce your alcohol consumption and try to stop smoking. Both habits can thin your blood and increase the chances of risk during surgery.

In your online and face-to-face pre-operative consultations, your surgeon will give you more detailed advice and instructions about reducing smoking and alcohol and which supplements you can take to improve healing.


Reduce Stress & Get Plenty of Rest

Looking after your mind is also important before undergoing any kind of surgery. Try to reduce the amount of stress you’re under by getting enough rest and letting go of any unnecessary worries. The more rested your body feels before your surgery, the quicker your recovery process will be because your energy will be targeted towards healing, rather than your anxieties or worries.

While it’s normal to feel slightly anxious before your surgery, take some time out every day to just relax, go for a walk or meditate. This will enable you to feel calm and relaxed. 

Whenever you plan to have your surgery – whether it’s in six weeks, six months, or a year from now - getting your body prepared through healthy eating, regular exercise, and a relaxed mind will allow you to take control of your health, so you can recover quickly from your treatment and enjoy the results.


If you’ve been considering plastic surgery, you can book an online consultation now to speak to one of our expert surgeons. They’ll be happy to answer any of your questions about preparations, the surgery itself, and aftercare.