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Tips on recovering from a facelift procedure

Written by Carrie Henderson | 19-Dec-2018 09:02:08

A facelift procedure is a major undertaking, so we always prepare patients with the expectation that it may take several months to fully recover.  While most patients feel well within 24 – 48 hours of a facelift procedure, the swelling and bruising  takes time to heal and settle, so it’s important to take a medium to long-term view. 

Our message is: “A good recovery isn’t necessarily a speedy one”. This applies to all plastic surgery procedures, not just a facelift.  But when it comes to a facelift procedure there are a number of steps you can take to help your recovery progress. 


1.     Rest – but don’t put yourself on bed rest

For the first few days after your facelift procedure the most important thing you can do is take it easy.  See this as an opportunity to read your favourite magazines, pick up that book you’ve been meaning to read, catch up on some TV or films.  That said, we don’t want you to remain completely still – it’s good for you to move around the house and get yourself up and about in the immediate aftermath of surgery.  But give the gym a miss and avoid strenuous activity – washing up is OK, vacuuming is not!


2.     Follow the rules – don’t think you’re different!

When you leave hospital, your face will be supported in a sling to protect your result - wear it and do so until you have been told otherwise. While it may be incredibly tempting to take it off, so you can get a glimpse of your results, be aware that swelling and bruising takes a few days to appear and then slowly disappear over the course of a few weeks.

Make sure that you follow any instructions you have been given for care; they really are for your own good. You’ll be given follow-up appointments so that we can review your recovery, of course.


3.     Take pain relief as advised

Swelling and bruising will start to be most evident after three or four days, but we’ll advise you on any pain medication it may be appropriate to take, usually over-the-counter medicines such as Paracetamol and Ibuprofen are sufficient. Surprisingly for many, a facelift procedure is rarely described as painful. Just moderately unsightly for the first few days after your operation.

Eat light, healthy foods so as not to upset your stomach while taking pain relief, and drink plenty of water.


4.     Sleep with your head elevated

Sleep can be difficult in the first few days after facelift surgery because of the pain and the discomfort of laying your head down. Make sure you sleep with your head slightly elevated to reduce the pressure placed on your face which can impact swelling.


5.     Get in touch if you have any concerns

We will give you plenty of support and advice before you leave hospital, and there will be scheduled follow-up appointment for you to attend.  That said, if you have any concerns once you get back home please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.  We will always be happy to help.

Get to know our facelift surgery specialist, Christopher Jones