While some people can age with grace, the rest of us have to fight gravity and do all we can to keep looking young and fresh. Lots of exercise, healthy eating and a good skincare routine all have their part to play, but a good lifestyle can do little to keep areas of the body such as the neck in good condition. That’s why many people turn to plastic surgery and come to us to explore neck lift options.
Lots of people find that as they age, the skin on their neck begins to slacken and sag. It’s difficult to mask this problem, so it can affect the self-esteem. A neck lift, also known as platysmaplasty, is designed to rejuvenate the skin around the neck and jawline to reduce the appearance of jowls and double chins.
There are a couple of neck lift options depending on the extent of the sagginess of your neck and the results you wish to achieve.
The first option is the removal of fat. This procedure alone can often be enough to make a significant difference. Generally speaking, this is an ideal route for people who suffer from excess fat deposits in the neck. It involves the insertion of a hollow tube into the neck through which fatty deposits are withdrawn.
However, if more extensive treatment is required, fat can be removed but we can also tighten the area around the jawline and the neck and restructure the underlying muscles.
For both approaches it will be necessary to make small, discreet incisions behind the ears and under the chin.
After surgery, you’ll need to stay in hospital for at least one night while we monitor your recovery. You can then return home, returning for a follow-up appointment around one week later.
The most important thing you can do in the immediate aftermath of surgery is to take it easy for at least a week, possibly two. Most people take some time off work during this period to make sure they don’t over-do it. Men will need to avoid shaving for the first week or so.
The first step in exploring neck lift options is to make an appointment to attend an initial consultation. At this meeting we will assess your skin and facial structure and talk to you about the results you would like to achieve.
From here, we will be able to advise on the best neck lift option for you and discuss the procedure in more detail. It’s understandable that you will be apprehensive about having plastic surgery, so this meeting will give you all the information you need to make an informed decision about whether surgery is right for you. It’s also the perfect opportunity for you to ask any question about any aspect of treatment and recovery.