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What to expect when recovering from facelift surgery

Written by Adam Goodwin | 21-Oct-2019 12:55:46

The days and weeks after face lift surgery are always a mixture of excitement and nervousness!  You’ll no doubt feel excitement in anticipation of your new results, but nervousness about the healing process, and whether the surgery has achieved the changes you were hoping for.  

This  rollercoaster of emotions is completely normal and entirely understandable, after all, having a face lift is a big decision.  

What our team will do is talk you through the treatment and healing process before you undergo surgery so that you are well prepared though of course, we are always here for you, should you have any queries or questions during your recovery.



While you’ll expect to have bruising and swelling after your face lift procedure, everyone’s body responds differently.  While you may be lucky and have minimal bruising and swelling, for most people this will not be the case. The swelling usually worsens a day or two after surgery as your body works to heal the scars – try to remember that this is a good thing, and it won’t last long. The face may also initially appear asyymetic. This is nature in action, don’t forget. It will settle and even out. 


Sometimes, swelling can be more persistent in one area of the face than another.  We appreciate this can be a little concerning and lead you to think that your results are going to be uneven.  Let us assure you that this will not be the case. While most of the swelling will have disappeared within a fortnight of surgery, it’s normal for your body to take several weeks, even months, to completely heal and for your results to be fully realised.  We know it’s difficult, but the key is to be patient.  



Again, bruising varies from patient to patient.  Most people have minor bruising which disappears within two to three weeks, while others have more pronounced bruising which takes several weeks to settle.  In some cases, there is minor bruising which looks like it will disappear within days, only to remain stubbornly persistent. It’s impossible to tell how you will be affected by bruising until you’ve had your face lift but rest assured that it will eventually settle.



We will provide you with instructions on caring for your skin so that you recover as quickly as possible from your facelift treatment, and you will be invited to a number of follow-up appointments so that we can monitor your healing process.  Mostly, this involves your surgeon keeping a watchful eye on your scars, though it’s also an opportunity to identify any issues which we think may need medical intervention (though this is rare).


With the right care post-surgery, your bruising and swelling will subside in time – usually within a month.  Try to be patient during this time, your reward – a fresher, more youthful appearance - will be long-lasting.