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Why does it cost more to have a facelift in the UK?

Written by Manchester Plastic Surgery | 23-Jul-2021 08:35:14

Since the outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic last year, patients’ options to travel abroad or get access to cosmetic treatments here in the UK have been extremely limited. But, now that the world is beginning to open up again, this is the perfect time to start searching around for the best facelift surgeon and practice to give you the results you’ve been dreaming of. 


Like any cosmetic surgery, having a facelift is a big investment of time and money, so you need to be sure it’s right for you. Undoubtedly, when conducting your research, you’ll be weighing up the costs to find a treatment that meets your budget while still feeling confident you’re in safe hands. And, although you’ll find there’s very little difference in cost between UK facelift providers, you could pay almost double in the UK than you would elsewhere – but why? 


How much is a facelift in the UK? 

Here at Manchester Plastic Surgery, we offer three types of facelift surgery: a mini facelift, the cheapest of the three treatments, followed by a face and neck lift, and an extended facelift. Our guide price for a full facelift is £7,760, factoring in the costs of your medication, your overnight stay in a private suite at Spire Manchester Hospital, as well as your surgeon’s time and a range of other factors. This is the average price for a facelift in the UK, with prices varying from £7,000 - £10,000. 


Is there a cheaper alternative?

Of course, saving money for a facelift is a big investment. So it’s worth discussing alternatives with your surgeon at your consultation. Depending on your areas of concern, you may be able to opt for a suitable non-surgical facial rejuvenation treatment, like dermal fillers or anti-wrinkle injections – significantly reducing the cost of your treatment. 


For many people, the price of a facelift abroad is an attractive alternative, with some eastern European countries offering a facelift for as little as £1,330. While this may seem appealing, it’s important to weigh up potential savings against the potential risks because many countries don’t have the same level of medical regulation and training as we do here in the UK, so you could be risking a lot more than just money. 


Why does it cost more to have a facelift in the UK?

Before choosing your surgeon, make sure you feel safe with them, you are in a well-regulated practice with an experienced surgeon, and you’re not exposing yourself to enormous risk. Just some factors to consider when weighing up your costs include: 


  1. Follow-up treatments – No surgery is completely risk-free and complications can happen no matter where you have your treatment. However, due to our strict regulations here in the UK, if there is a complication after your treatment, it’s the surgeon’s responsibility to provide appropriate follow-up treatments to put this right. On the other hand, this isn’t guaranteed by overseas clinics and if you need to return to the practice to have follow-up treatments, this could end up costing you more.
  2. Training and qualifications – Here in the UK, there are highly regulated authorities governing cosmetic surgeons to ensure safe practice. To become a plastic surgeon requires extensive training and surgeons must provide you with proof of their qualifications if you request it. But if you opt to have treatment abroad, it can be extremely difficult to understand and verify the level of training your surgeon has had – if any. A facelift is a big procedure in an area that cannot be hidden if complications arise. It’s vital that you are confident in your surgeon’s qualifications and experience, have seen evidence of their previous patients, and read their reviews before you put yourself in their hands.
  3. Clarity – Choosing to have a facelift overseas can lead to miscommunications due to language differences or barriers. A good surgeon should explain the treatment, associated risks, and expected results to you in detail to ensure you have considered all factors before going ahead with treatment. The surgeon should also discuss whether any alternatives can give similar results that you may not have initially considered. When you opt to have surgery abroad, there is a chance that these necessary discussions may not happen.
  4. Insurance cover – In the UK, all surgeons and clinics are required to have medical insurance to cover you if a complication were to arise. Before booking a treatment overseas, you need to factor in your insurance costs and make sure you’re properly protected. Make sure you find out details of the clinic/surgeon’s insurance and if it will cover you, your travel insurance (as most won’t provide cover for something going wrong during surgery), and how you’ll get home if there is an emergency.
  5. Consultation – We always have two consultations with our patients before performing treatment to ensure they’re fully comfortable with their decision and understand the associated risks. If you’re opting to have a facelift abroad, it’s difficult to arrange a consultation before treatment, which can cause multiple problems post-op.


Final Facelift Advice

Going abroad to have surgery can be appealing when you think about the minimised financial cost; however, you’re risking so much more than just your money. Make sure, no matter where you choose to have your treatment, that you have conducted thorough research into the clinic, the country’s regulations, the surgeon’s training, their experience with facelifts, their ability to communicate with you to explain the treatment, as well as patient reviews. 


And remember, cosmetic surgery is not a holiday, so be wary of websites selling treatments as part of a holiday package. While it is possible to have a holiday before surgery if you wish, having one straight after can hugely increase the risk of complications. After any treatment, you require rest and recovery with minimal stressors around you. 


Plus, it’s important to think about and plan your return home post-op, since flying immediately after surgery can put you at risk of life-threatening blood clots. You’ll need to wait at least 10 days before flying after your facelift, and in this time you’ll need to factor in your accommodation, bringing someone with you to look after you while you rest, and a whole host of other factors.


Invest wisely

Plastic surgery should leave you feeling more confident in yourself and excited about the fantastic results, not worried about what will happen if things go wrong or stressed about the aftercare. Therefore, while cost is an important factor, it shouldn’t be the only one. 


To find out more about our facelift prices and procedure, complete the form below to book your initial consultation.