Manchester Plastic Surgery | Blog

Will a facelift get rid of deep lines and wrinkles?

Written by claire | 23-Mar-2020 13:42:36

Though most of us tell ourselves we want to grow old gracefully, for many people it can be quite a different matter when they start going grey and frown lines become a permanent feature of their faces! 

While some people may always  look fantastic as they age, many of us prefer the way we used to look in our youth, and understandably, we try to preserve our youthful looks for as long as possible.  We keep hydrated, stay out of the sun and, of course, use a good moisturiser but for some people, the results that can be achieved by surgery are a preferable alternative! That’s where plastic surgery comes in.  

Whilst a facelift may initially seem like a drastic step, it is a highly effective way to achieve dramatically young and fresh-looking skin, and is ideally suited to get rid of ingrained lines and wrinkles and to lift saggy skin.  Furthermore, the effects of a facelift are long-lasting and can mean for many people a return to a fresh-faced natural look, without the need for daily make-up application or frequent fillers.  

Facelift surgery doesn’t have to mean you take on a completely new look.  Here at Manchester Plastic Surgery, we take a ‘less is more’ approach, helping our clients to look like a better version of themselves, by making subtle changes and improvements to regain a more youthful appearance.  Drastic changes are rarely advisable (or necessary!).

When you attend your initial consultation with Manchester Plastic Surgery, your skin and the underlying bone structure will be assessed by the surgeon who would carry out your treatment, if you decided to go ahead.

This enables our expert to give you a clear idea of the results that they expect to be able to achieve, so you can make an informed decision about whether a facelift is right for you.  During this session, you will be able to describe the issues you want your surgeon to address so that you both have a common understanding of what ‘good’ looks like to you.  

You will be pleased to know that we take a straight-forward approach, and if we think your expectations are unrealistic or inappropriate, we will let you know.  This ability to be open and honest is a vital part of our service and highly-valued by our clients. The benefit is clear: you will be armed with all the information you need – and a clear idea of the results you can expect as a result of your surgery – before you decide to go ahead.


Want to find out more?

If you would like to find out more about facelift surgery, the first step is to book an initial consultation.  At this clinic, you will meet the surgeon who will carry out your treatment, giving you the perfect opportunity to find out what difference a facelift will make, and to ask any questions you may have about any aspect of your treatment. 


If you would like to book a consultation, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today.