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What are the different types of cosmetic facial surgery?

Written by Manchester Plastic Surgery | 21-Jan-2021 17:24:12

There comes a time for many of us where our reflection in the mirror stops representing how we feel inside. Though on the inside you may still feel 25, unfortunately, as the years go by, visible signs appear like fine lines and wrinkles, jowls, and loss of skin elasticity – all of which can make you look older and harm your self-confidence. If this sounds familiar to you, and you’re researching treatments to reverse or hide signs of ageing, you should consider facelift surgery. 


A facelift is a cosmetic treatment which is most commonly used to target obvious signs of ageing on the face, neck, and around the jawline. Depending on the severity of your concerns and your desired results, here at Manchester Plastic Surgery, we offer three different kinds of facelifts (an extended facelift, a face and neck lift, and a mini facelift) which can be combined with other treatments, such as an eye lift (blepharoplasty), to restore a rejuvenated, youthful, and full appearance.


The right treatment for you will always vary depending on your concerns and affected areas so, no matter which type of cosmetic facelift you’re leaning towards, we always recommend booking a consultation with our facial rejuvenation expert, Mr Christopher Jones, who will be able to give you an honest and expert opinion on your case and expected results. 


Extended Facelift

The extended facelift, as its name suggests, is the most extensive of the three treatments, allowing access to all areas of the face, depending on your areas of concern.

An extended facelift involves making incisions behind the ear, giving access to the neck and jawline, which extend into the temporal region to combat wrinkles in the forehead, around the eyes, and between the brows. This is the only cosmetic facelift treatment which allows access to the upper half of the face, so we highly recommend it for those who are concerned with a furrowed brow or deep crows-feet around the eyes. It is also particularly effective for eliminating folds of loose skin which gather around the neck. And, if the chin is a significant area of concern, we can also make an incision there to remove unwanted fat, giving the entire face a fresher and more youthful look.

An extended facelift is usually performed under general anaesthetic and will require an overnight stay in one of our private rooms at state-of-the-art facility, The Pines Hospital Manchester, where you will receive great aftercare from our expert team.

Due to the extent of the treatment, you can expect a recovery period of around 4 weeks, so you must be prepared to have time out from work and have someone available to look after you when you return home.


Face & Neck Lift

Unlike an extended facelift, a face and neck lift is concentrated on the lower section of the face, allowing corrections to the cheeks, chin, and jawline. 

A face and neck lift involves the surgeon making small incisions behind the ear which extend up into the hairline to give access to the neck area. Through these incisions, the surgeon can carefully pull the tissue upwards towards the ear, remove any excess skin, and secure the tissue in place to counteract the signs of loss of skin elasticity, fullness, and muscle tone in the lower portion of the face and neck. 

Where deep wrinkles or the appearance of ‘bands’ around the neck are a concern, a face and neck lift can be combined with liposuction, open fat removal, or platysma (the tightening of the neck muscles beneath the chin) to remove excess fat and lift the appearance of the neck. 

A face and neck lift is less invasive than an extended facelift treatment, this means that the recovery period is shorter because there is less swelling or bruising that needs to be given time to recede. 


Mini Facelift

The mini facelift (or ‘short scar’ facelift) is the least extensive of the three treatments, which in most instances, will only require a local anaesthetic. 

It involves creating a small incision at the front of the ear and up into the hairline. As the incisions made in a mini facelift are relatively small, the swelling and bruising following the treatment is minimal and scars can usually be hidden within the natural hairline. This makes it a popular choice for both men and women.  

The focus of this treatment is on the lower third of the face, where patients can experience loss of definition along the jawline or a build-up of excess fat around the chin. A mini facelift is used to remove this excess fat and carefully tighten the skin, revealing a more youthful appearance. This treatment can also be used to target moderate sagging in the cheeks, resulting from lax skin, however, the results can depend on the severity of the individual case.

Unlike a face and neck lift or an extended facelift, a mini facelift allows very little access to the neck. Therefore, we usually recommend this treatment for slightly younger patients or those with tight muscle tone in their neck. If you are concerned with your forehead, eyes, or neck, it is most likely that one of the more extensive treatments is a better option to give you the best results.


Let us help

If you’d like to reverse the signs of ageing and restore your youthful appearance, please get in touch with us to take the first steps. Alongside our range of surgical facelifts, we also offer various surgical and non-surgical facial rejuvenation treatments including dermal fillers and face implants which can help to restore youthful fullness to the face.


To book your consultation and discover which treatment will be best for you, please complete the form below.